The end of design and
dawn of AI

Taught by Suff Syed - Head of Product & Design, AI Leadership, Microsoft Research

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End of Design and the dawn of AI
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The end of design and dawn of AI is a deeply thought provoking discussion between Suff Syed - Head of Product & Design, AI Leadership, Microsoft Research and Design3 on the future of the design industry and the role of designers with the onset of mass adoption of AI tools and models - as per his recent globally acclaimed report released in August 23.

Broken into three chapters we discuss the role of design, the limitations of the practice and the influence of AI models in the way businesses will operate and what designers need to do in order to stay relevant.


In this Lecture, you will learn:

🎨 1. How We Design will Change - Design tools today still assume the designer pushing pixels construct or that the current #product development approaches will remain true. Squarespace broke the design-code barrier. Like Katie Dill suggested in her config talk "we will move to a model where production code and design will become one and the same".

🛠️ 2. What We Design will Change - We will evolve from arranging pixels and patterns on a screen to having a model trained to recognize the brand system to help anyone build fully functional end-to-end experiences. Noah Levin points, "AI will free us up from the rigid atomic level to focus on bigger patterns".

👩‍🚀 3. Who Designs will Change - The inherent assumption a designer or a maker is painstakingly designing every single flow will soon become archaic. Models will become powerful enough to personalize user experiences for every single human on the planet based on specific contexts. Imran Chaudhri profoundly states, "For the human-technology relationship to evolve, we need something radically different. AI will afford us intimately personal solutions never possible before".

  • Suff is a zero-to-one Product Leader who builds delightful products at the intersection of meaningful design and intelligent technology.

    As the head of product & design and AI leader at Microsoft, Suff's work is to determine how Artificial intelligence is going to lead the next frontier of cultural and technological evolution. Suff leads high-performing teams that deliver 
products and services that solve problems, 
delight people, generate user adoption, influence culture, 
and drive strategic business value. 🚀

  • This lecture is ideal for you if you’re:

    • A Product, UX or UI Designer

    • Interested in creating AI Products & tools

    • Interested in futures and innovation

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